One-on-One Strategy Session

Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our one-on-one strategy session will be dedicated to assessing your current pain points and struggles. Creating actionable next step to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to understanding social media. You’ll receive an online questionnaire prior to our session so I can understand your specific focus.

  • Thorough

    Understanding your competitors and their customers is key to understanding online habits and creating an optimized plan to reach similar audiences.

How you’ll feel

more confident and clearheaded with actionable steps to take

What you’ll get

60-min consultation call

  • Online questionnaire to target the obstacles and roadblocks you face with your social media (sent via email after booking)

  • Social media audit report of your current social media accounts 

  • Competitor analysis report

  • Customer demographic and insights

  • Solidify Social media goals and the KPIs to measure your progress

  • Custom hashtag strategy

  • Solidify content pillars and posting topics

Star opportunities

  • Opportunities found during my research for you guys to implement later down the line